Hotel Plutitor Splendid

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E.g., 11 Mar 2025
E.g., 11 Mar 2025
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Hotel plutitor SPLENDID: cel mai nou hotel in Delta Dunarii! AVANTAJELE unei vacante pe un hotel plutitor : Fata de un hotel obisnuit, in delta, un hotel plutitor va ofera o reala apropiere de natura: privelistea spectaculoasa din Delta Dunarii chiar la fereastra camerei dumneavoastra. Hotel plutitor Splendid va ofera confortul unei vacante de 5 stele, dar si bucuria unei aventuri in mijlocul salbaticiei apelor: sunetul discret al valurilor si senzatia de plutire va vor face somnul mult mai odihnitor. Cazarea in Delta pe un hotel plutitor este ecologica: suprafata de uscat este mai putin de un sfert din Delta Dunarii, iar un hotel plutitor, spre deosebire de un hotel obisnuit in Delta, nu lasa urme pe sol. Astfel, grindurile si insulele vor ramane in continuare un habitat ideal pentru varietatea de plante, pasari si animale ce alcatuiesc biodiversitatea in Delta. De la bordul unui hotel plutitor, puteti face excursii in Delta mult mai usor. Hotel plutitor Splendid va pune la dispozitie ambarcatiuni pentru excursii pe canale greu accesibile si lacuri, excursii de pescuit in delta, sau pur si simplu scurte plimbari cu barca. Acest hotel este dispus pe trei punti unde turistii vor beneficia de tot confortul si modernul in mijlocul salbaticiei. • La nivelul 1 se gasesc: – 12 camere duble cu pat matrimonial, ideale pentru familiile cu copii, bine izolate fonic si termic pentru a oferi intimitate si confort turistilor, mobilate cu un design unic deosebit, dotate cu instalatie de aer conditionat si incalzire, seif, televizor LCD, minibar cu frigider, plase impotriva tantarilor, baie proprie in care gasiti cabina de dus cu hidromasaj si sauna, lavoar, wc. – doua terase pentru observatie si relaxare. • La nivelul 2 se gasesc: – 3 camere duble cu pat matrimonal, dintre care 2 sunt cu iesire pe terasa; – bucatarie de 42 m² complet utilata si mobilata cu aparatura profesionala de ultima generatie; – barul – restaurantul elegant de 120 m² dotat cu televiziune prin satelit, sistem home cinema, DVD, calculator cu acces la internet, video proiector, ecran si scaun de masaj, sala fiind pretabila organizarii de evenimente, sesiuni de team-building, conferinte. Restaurantul are ferestre generoase, pentru a admira privelistea de vis chiar si in timpul mesei. – doua terase pentru observatie si relaxare; • La nivelul 3 se gasesc: – terasa de 270 m² , aici se pot organiza petreceri in aer liber, discoteci, concursuri karaoke, aceasta fiind dotata cu lumini si sunet. – sezlonguri si umbrelute, spatiu ideal destinat pentru plaja si cure de odihna, intr-un loc ferit de de stres si poluare; – leagane; – jacuzzi-spa. Aici este locul ideal de relaxare, fie prin activitati sportive, fie bucurandu-va de peisagistica Deltei Dunarii. Va asteptam cu drag !
About Your Property:
Floating Hotel SPLENDID: the newest hotel in the Delta! ADVANTAGES a holiday on a floating hotel: Unlike a regular hotel, in Delta, a floating hotel offers encounter with nature: the spectacular view of the Delta even in your room window. Floating Hotel Splendid offers 5-star comfort of a holiday, and joy in the midst of a wilderness adventure water: discrete sound of the waves and floating feeling will make sleep more restful. Accommodation in Delta on a floating hotel is ecological: land surface is less than a quarter of the Delta, and a floating hotel, unlike a regular hotel in Delta, leaves no traces on the ground. The riverbanks and islands will remain an ideal habitat for a variety of plants, birds and animals that make up the biodiversity in Delta. On board a floating hotel can make trips easier Delta. Floating Hotel Splendid offers boats for trips on the canals and lakes inaccessible, Fishing trips, or simply short boat rides. This hotel is located on three decks where guests will enjoy all the comforts and modern in the middle of the wilderness. • Level 1 features: - 12 Rooms with double beds, ideal for families with children, well soundproofed and heat to provide privacy and comfort for tourists, furnished with a very unique design, equipped with air conditioning and heating, safe, LCD TV, minibar with refrigerator, mosquito nets, private bathroom you find shower with hydro massage and sauna, washbasin, wC. - two terraces for observation and relaxation. • At level 2 features: - 3 rooms with double Matrimonia, 2 of which are with terraces; -kitchen 42 m² fully equipped and furnished with professional equipment of last generation; - Bar; - Elegant restaurant, with area of 120 m², equipped with satellite TV, home cinema, DVD, wi-fi internet access, video projector, screen and chair massage room is suitable for organizing events, team-building sessions conferences, etc. The restaurant has generous windows to admire the dream even during meals. - Two terraces for observation and relaxation; • Level 3 has: - Terrace with area [270 m²; here you can organize outdoor parties, disco, karaoke contests, it features light and sound installations appropriate. - Sunbeds and umbrellas, beach and ideal space for rest cures in a place away from stress and pollution, swings, whirlpool spa. Here is the ideal place to relax, either sports or enjoying the landscape Delta. You're welcome!
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Piscină & Relaxare:
Jacuzzi/Cadă cu hidromasaj
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Facilități business:
Săli de conferinţă şi petreceri
Alte facilităţi:
Fumatul interzis în toate spaţiile
Zonă pentru fumători
Dunărea Veche, Tulcea, România

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