Restaurant La Lavanda Cornu de Jos
About Your Location:
LaLavanda is the most chic place on Prahove Valley... No kidding.
It's got elegance, a warm and cozy atmosphere and refined taste in food and music.
It's located in the centre of the village of Cornu, near Campina (Prahova County).
Call us on +40737261402 to book your table and receive the "share location" message, so you can easily find us.
It is the perfect stop over for those back and forth on the way to the mountains, either on business, to ski, for fun, for the love of the road, or just for the heck of it.
Open noon to midnight, Tuesday to Sunday.
See us on facebook @restaurantlavandacornu
You're Welcome!
Despre Locaţie:
LaLavanda e cel mai chic restaurant de pe Valea Prahovei... Pe bune.
Are eleganta, atmosfera calda si primitoare, rafinament si gusturi bune la mancare si la muzica.
Il gasiti in Cornu, langa Campina, in centrul comunei.
Sunati'ne la 0737261402 sa'ti rezervi masa si sa primesti "share location" ca sa ne gasiti mai usor.
E popasul perfect pentru cei care se duc sau vin de la munte, fie cu treburi, fie la ski, la distractie, de dragul drumului, sau pur si simplu pentru ca asa vor ei.
Deschis din miaza-zi'n miaza-noapte, de marti pana duminica.
Ne gasiti si pe facebook @restaurantlavandacornu
Ne vedem LaLavanda!
Detalii Locaţie:
Terasă exterioară
12ziua-12noaptea, de marti pana duminica
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