Pensiunea Flori SIbiel
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Descriere Proprietate:
Imobil recent amenajat, pensiunea Flori, va asteapta sa regasiti clipele de relaxare pe malul raului Sibiel. Va stau la dispozitie 7 camere de 2 si 3 locuri, cu baie proprie cu apa calda permanenta, cu paturi simple si duble cu incalzire centrala si televizor conectat la reteaua de cablu si o terasa pentru 80 de persoane in care puteti servi masa, sau in care putem organiza mese festive (botez, cununie, banchet etc.).
La cerere va putem oferi plimbari cu caruta sau cu sania pe timpul iernii, program artistic cu dansatori, primire cu calareti, formatie muzicala.
About Your Property:
Recently arranged building, the Flori guesthouse, awaits you to find the relaxing moments on the bank of the river Sibiel. There are 5 rooms of 2 and 3 places with their own bathroom with permanent hot water, with single and double beds with central heating and a TV connected to the cable network and a terrace for 80 people where you can have meals or in which can organize festive meals (baptism, wedding, banquet, etc.).
On request, we can offer carriage or sleigh rides in winter, artistic program with dancers, horseback riding, music band.
Spoken Languages:
Hotel Options:
Yes (optional)
Yes (free)
Yes (free)
Payment Options:
Only cash
General facilities:
Non-smoking rooms
Food & Drink:
Restaurant (buffet)
Common areas:
Unghiului 27, Sibiel, Sibiu, România
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