Cabana Georgiana Arieșeni

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Descriere Proprietate:
Este situata pe DN75, langa sosea si la 10 km de partia de schi de la Vartop (Arieseni),la 120 km de orasul Alba Iulia si 120 km de orasul Oradea. Oferim plimbari cu sania pe timp de iarna, plimbari cu caruta pe timp de vara.
Este amplasata peste raul Aries,la 200 m de soseaua principala,amplasarea va ofera mai multa liniste,relaxare si loc de joaca pentru copii.
Cabana dispune de
-4 camere cu 2 locuri,la care se poate adauga si pat suplimentar.
-1 apartament cu 4 locuri
Aveti la dispozitie un living cu o capacitate 12 locuri,baie de servici si bucatarie complet utilata.
Eventual se pot degusta produse traditionale, ecologice, din propria gospodarie.
Obiective turistice Arieseni - din inima muntilor pana la cer ! Obiectivele turistice de pe o raza de 20 de kilometri din jurul statiunii turistice Arieseni. Oricare dintre aceste obiective turistice le puteti vizita intr-o singura zi cu intoarcerea pe seara in Arieseni. Cascade, chei, pesteri, varfuri montane dar si muzee, ateliere mestesugaresti sau manastiri sunt printre locurile frumoase ce trebuiesc vizitate cand veniti la Arieseni in Muntii Padis-Scarisoara.
Va asteptam cu drag!
About Your Property:
It is situated on DN75, near the highway and 10 km from the ski Vartop (Arieseni), 120 km from the city of Alba Iulia 120 km from Oradea. We offer sleigh rides in winter, cart rides in the summer.
Aries is located across the river, 200 meters from the main road, the location offers more peace, relaxation and a playground for children.
Cabana has
-4 Rooms with 2 beds, which can add extra bed.
1 apartment with 4 beds
You have the living room with a capacity of 12 seats, bath and kitchen work.
Eventually you can taste traditional products, organic, in their own houses.
Attractions Arieseni - the heart of the mountains to the sky! Sights within a radius of 20 kilometers around the resort Arieseni. Any of these attractions you can visit in one day to return in the evening Arieseni. Waterfalls, gorges, caves, mountain peaks but also museums, craft workshops and monasteries are among the beautiful places that must be visited when you come to Arieseni Padis, Scarisoara Mountains.
You're welcome!
Spoken Languages:
Hotel Options:
Yes (free)
Yes (free)
Upon request
Payment Options:
Only cash
General facilities:
Family rooms
Non-smoking rooms
Food & Drink:
BBQ facilities
Reception services:
24-hour front desk
Common areas:
Shared kitchen
Designated smoking area
Soundproof rooms
Arieșeni, Alba, România
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