Vu's Rooftop Restaurant

About Your Location:
Vu’s - the high-rise restaurant whose menu offers great food and magnificent views
Vu's is the restaurant that found the best place in Bucharest: on top of a block near Unirea area, at the eighth floor, from where it offers spectacular views to its customers.You can find this type of restaurant in Dubai too, this being the place where the Romanian team found their inspiration for the name that you should read as a sort of "views", the restaurant of the stunning views.
Situated on the bank of the Dambovita river, the restaurant has an ideal location both for locals and tourists.
We will present you a “best of “ of Vu’s kitchen :
Octopus tartare is the biggest pride of Vu’s. It’ s an appetizer prepared with fresh ingredients : octopus, avocado, fresh cucumbers and parsley, the perfect mix for a light dinner.
Duck breast with caramelized apples It is well known that duck makes good team with fruit or fruit sauce.Here, at Vu’s, you will find a tasty combination of duck breast, caramelized apples and orange.
Vu’s cake hides many flavoured ingredients inside a delicate pastry : plums and almonds soaked in brandy, with almond cream and vanilla cream. A special dessert with surprising flavours.
Despre Locaţie:
Vu’s – restaurantul la inaltime cu meniu complet: mancare buna si privelisti superbe!
Vu’s e restaurantul care si-a gasit cel mai bun loc din Bucuresti: pe un bloc din zona Unirii, la etajul 8, de unde ofera super privelisti clientilor. Un astfel de restaurant este si in Dubai, oras care a inspirat echipa din Romania in alegerea numelui pe care trebuie sa-l cititi ca pe un soi de “view’s”, restaurantul privelistilor frumoase. Pozitia Vu’s de-a lungul Dambovitei e ideala atat pentru bucuresteni, cat si pentru turisti.
Va propunem sa facem o calatorie prin meniul restaurantului Vu’s. Va prezentam un fel de “best of” din bucataria Vu’s:
Tartar de caracatita e marea mandrie a echipei Vu’s, un antreu preparat cu ingrediente fresh: caracatita, avocado, castraveti proaspeti si patrunjel, un mix tocmai bun pentru o cina light.
Piept de rata cu mere caramelizate : e un lucru cunoscut ca ratei ii sta bine alaturi de niste fructe, fie ca sunt transformate in sos sau lasate in farfurie.
Vu’s Cake: ascunde intr-un foietaj delicat multe ingrediente aromate, prune in coniac cu o crema pe baza de fulgi de migdale si crema de vanilie.
Location Sumary:
City center location
Near metro
Business Hours:
11.00- 24.00
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