Restaurant Tradițional Casa Maramureșană Cluj Napoca
About Your Location:
They say that in MaramureS the hosts are welcoming, the houses beautiful
and the food - as much as you can carry with you. Whosoever comes upon Casa
Maramureșeanǎ returns to their home delighted and recommends the place to
everyone they know. Casa Maramureșeanǎ stands out with its good food whose fame
has been heard of even across the borders. For the people of Maramureș, a hungry
person is an unhappy person and so the Maramureș hosts will always be close to you
ready to fill your plate again the moment you manage to finish your food. If you
refuse another portion, you may well offend you hosts, so make sure to bring your
appetite with you when you come to Casa Maramureșeanǎ!
Despre Locaţie:
Se spune cà În Maramures gazdele sunt primitoare, casele frumoase iar
mancarea, cat poti duce. Cine Ajunge la Casa maramureseana se intoarce incantat si
recomanda locul tuturor cunostintelor. Avantajul Casei Maramuresene este
mancarea buna, careia i s-a dus zvonul si peste granitele tarii. Pentru maramureseni,
un om flamand este un om nefericit, asa ca, gazdele vor fi intotdeauna in preajma ta,
gata sa-ti umple farfuria din nou, in secunda in care ai reusit sa o golesti. Si, daca
refuzi o noua portie, e posibil sa se simta jigniti. Asa ca, daca vii la casa
Maramureseana, adu-ti pofta de mancare cu tine!
Location Sumary:
City center location
Live Music
Outside seating
Business Hours:
09:00 - 23:00
Special Offers:
meniul zilei de luni pana vineri, oferta zilei, discount-uri de grup
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