Restaurant Elliniko Steki Constanța

About Your Location:
Being the first greek restaurant in Constanta since 1993, ELLINIKO STEKI gets on top with its authentic greek preparates, being known for decades in the city for its delicious Souvlaki. Here we cherish our old greek recipes and our customers' requests as our top priorities. We're waiting for you at ELLINIKO STEKI Restaurant, which also is known for its takeaway service.
Despre Locaţie:
Fiind primul restaurant grecesc de pe malurile Marii Negre constantene, Elliniko STEKI, se mandreste cu retetele culinare stravechi pe care le interpreteaza conform taramului elen, avand in grija pastrarea gustului mediteraneean autentic.
Impreuna cu clientii nostri, dorim sa impartasim adevarata cultura greaca ascunsa in bucataria noastra traditionala si in gustul savuros al preparatelor noastre cele mai iubite. καλή όρεξη !
Location Sumary:
City center location
No Credit cards
Business Hours:
10 am - 11pm
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