Muzeul Consumatorului Comunist Timișoara

About Your Location:
The Communist Consumers Museum is designed as a typical Romanian apartment from that era, with a living room, children's room, kitchen and hallways. It displays on shelves, in closets and drawers most of everything that Romanians could buy before the revolution of 1989, from toys to vinyls, TV and radio sets to bicycles, kitchen attire and much, much more.
Despre Locaţie:
Muzeul Consumatorului Comunist are expuse pe rafturi, prin dulapuri și sertare cam tot ce puteau cumpăra românii înainte de '89, jucării, discuri şi multe altele, ce se pot descoperii controbăind cu privirea, auzul şi pipăitul.
Location Sumary:
City center location
Outside seating
Business Hours:
10:00 - 23:00
Special Offers:
Intrarea este gratuită
Special Offers:
Free entrance
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