La Taverna Bucur Giurgiu
About Your Location:
“La Taverna – casa Bucur” is a restaurant with a strong culture keeping the quality of its products since 2002. In the menu of our restaurant you will find a list of 29 fresh pizza prepared in the oven with wood, many types of pasta with diverse toppings, meat dishes from pork, veal or chicken, but also fish when we have the possibility to find it fresh from our suppliers, sea food and our homemade desert, tiramisu. After deciding what is the dish that suits you, you have the possibility to choose from a variety of red, white or rose wines to get a prefect taste.
During the summer days you can enjoy our dishes in the back yard but also in front of the restaurant where there is a special organized space for our clients. "La Taverna" offers also delivery service bringing the dish of your choice right to your home and catering services also, preparing the most delicious finger food of your choice for any special occasion.
Despre Locaţie:
"La Taverna - casa Bucur" este un restaurant cu o cultura bine delimitata intrucat pastreaza calitatea produselor pe care le pregateste cu mult drag pentru clientii fideli si nu numai, incepand cu 2002 si pana astazi. In meniul restaurantului nostru veti gasi o lista de 29 de feluri de pizza proaspata care se prepara in cuptor cu leme, paste diverse pentru toate gusturile, preparate din carne de porc, vita sau pui, dar si peste cand avem posibilitatea de a-l procura proaspat, fructe de mare si desertul casei de care suntem mandri, tiramisu. In functie de alegerea facuta in ceea ce priveste mancarea, aveti posibilitatea de a alege dintr-o gama larga de vinuri albe, rosii sau roze pentru a obtine rezultatul ideal.
Pe perioada verii puteti savura retetele noastre atat in curtea interioara a restaurantului cat si pe terasa din fata acestuia. Efectuam livrari la domiciliu sau servicii de catering preparand platouri diverse de tip finger-food dupa placul clientilor pentru orice ocazie speciala.
Location Sumary:
City center location
Outside seating
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