Casa SamSara Cernavodă

About Your Location:
We know how to organize in the most serious way tables where food, wine, customs and Romanian music remains memorable for guests who cross our threshold. Here you can always find one apricot brandy, a glass hub young veins, a brine crap that everyone who tasted it did not forget it, a farced meat rolled in sauerkraut leave made from the Turks but made, like us romanians, with hot pepper and polenta and a pie made like us, unless you have not tired and want a pork stew, as only , our pig is so tasty. Finally we know to give you a lot of cheese and a brandy Murfatlar of us who, as the French say, they say yourself ease the stomach after a feast and you take it seriously from the beginning.
Despre Locaţie:
Stim sa organizam in modul cel mai serios mese la care bucatele, vinurile, obiceiurile si muzica romaneasca sa ramana de neuitat pentru oaspetii care ne trec pragul. Aici puteti gasi oricand o tuica de caisa, un pahar cu vinisor tanar de butuc netratat si neinbuteliat, o saramura de crap pe care toti cei care au gustat-o, n-au uitat-o, o sarma luata de la turci dar facuta cum vrem noi cu mamaliguta si ciusca si o placinta facuta ca la noi, daca nu cumva nu v-ati saturat si doriti si o tochitura de porc, cum numai la noi porcul e asa de gustos. La final stim sa va dam si o sumedenie de branzeturi si un vinars de-al nostru de Murfatlar , care, dupa cum spun francezii , cica te mai usureaza la stomac dupa un praznic serios si poti s-o iei de la capat.
Location Sumary:
City center location
Outside seating
Business Hours:
8:00 - 00:00
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