Ristorante La Terrazza București

About Your Location:
Situated in the historical quarter of Cotroceni in Bucharest, Carol Davila 56 A Street, the restaurant bar pizzeria La Terrazza express the flavor and finesse of Mediterranean cuisine.
Inside its comfortable halls the Italian food culture and wine lovers realize that we intend to present only Italian products carefully selected with great passion. Also, we transform the raw materials in the dishes creating new recipes and reproducing flavors and fragrances that evoke the brightness typical of the Mediterranean regions.
La Terrazza can satisfy the most refined palates, delighting his clients with a variety of cocktails and appetizers, and live music events that create a unique atmosphere. Also workshops are frequent with highly qualified professionals where interesting social/professional topics are discussed.
There are different acknowledgments received by institutions such as the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Romania (certificate of quality), the Italian Kitchen Academy (silver platter), Italian Excellence in the world (certificate of excellence), Fondazione Italiani in Europa (certificate of excellence), Tripadvisor (certificate of excellence) and the highest appreciation is that one from our clients to whom La Terrazza and his staff dedicate all attention to achieve the quality they deserve.
For those who plan to host a very important event, we provide large comfortable halls inside the restaurant or also, in warm season, the outside terrace, that together with special menu for special occasions guarantee the success of unforgettable moments.
If it’s your birthday, La Terrazza will make you a gift: besides the warm and welcoming atmosphere, you will enjoy 10% discount on the entire bill and the Sunday get 10% discount on our products!
Despre Locaţie:
Amplasat in Bucuresti, in cartierul istoric Cotroceni, pe strada Carol Davila nr 56A, Ristorante Bar Pizzeria La Terrazza reprezinta esenta bucatariei mediteraneene.
Iubitorii enogastronomiei italiene, chiar de la primul contact, intuiesc pasiunea cu care selectam materia prima pentru a crea retete unice si pentru a reda aromele specifice zonei din sudul Italiei.
La Terrazza isi intampina clientii cu o oferta variata de cocktailuri si aperitive, satisface cele mai rafinate gusturi si promite seri de neuitat cu muzica live, intr-o atmosfera placuta si relaxanta.
Restaurantul dispune de 2 saloane confortabile si de o terasa unde se pot organiza evenimente private, corporate sau workshop-uri, oferind servicii de calitate si meniuri personalizate pentru experiente de neuitat.
Daruirea si munca echipei La Terrazza au fost recunoscute si recompensate, printre distinctiile primite, mentionand certificatul de calitate – Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Romania, piatto d’argento – Accademia Italiana della Cucina, certificatul de excelenta – Eccellenze Italiane nel Mondo, certificatul de excelenta – Fondazione Italiani in Europa, certificatul de excelenta – Tripadvisor.De asemenea subliniem faptul ca bucatarii nostri impreuna cu proprietarul restaurantului sun afiliati la FIC-Federazione Italiana Cuochi Delegazione Romania.
Insa, cele mai importante aprecieri sunt cele care vin din partea clientilor nostri, catre care se indreapta toata atentia si carora le oferim calitatea pe care o merita.
Va oferim toata ziua de duminica un discount de 10% pe intreaga nota de plata.
Daca este ziua dumneavoastra de nastere, La Terrazza va face un cadou: pe langa atmosfera calda si primitoare, va veti bucura de 10% discount la intreaga nota de plata.
Detalii Locaţie:
Aer condiţionat
Muzică Live
Lângă metrou
Terasă exterioară
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