Hotel Les Jardins Carol București

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E.g., 23 Feb 2025
E.g., 23 Feb 2025
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Descriere Proprietate:
Acest nou hotel, deschis la finele lui 2014, isi are originea in dorinta si hotararea noastra de a crea un sptaiu unic si confortabil care sa puna in evidenta atat sarmul cladirii in care se afla, cat si caracterul istoric al zonei. O caracteristica unica o reprezinta faptul cafiecare camera este diferita, avand culori si decor diferite. Astfel, fiecare client va gasi camera care sa se potriveasca stilului sau. Atentia la detalii a dus la implementarea multor solutii inovatoare, in incercarea noastra de a combina elementele istorice cu crintele confortului modern. Stilul este eclectic (caracteristic perioadei in care a fost construita casa), imbinand elemente elegante din stilul Romantic European cu elemente clade si primitoare caracteristice stilului English Cottage. Majoritatea peretilor sunt decorati cu tapet belgian ce reproduce modele clasice carcteristice inceputului de secol XX, podelel sunt acoperit cu mocheta olandeza, iar baile sunt finisate cu ceramica italiana. Mobilierul, precum si multe dintre elementele de decor sunt realizate din lemn masiv de catre mesteri locali, special pentru acest proiect. "Les Jardins Carol" este amplasat la masarda unei cladiri istorice (construita in 1909), aflata in inima zonei istorice Dealul Filaret. La camere se ajunge pe o scara de lemn masiv din restaurantul amenajat la parter. Prima imagine ce intampina vizitatorul la mansarda este un hol de primire in care a fost amenajat un mic loc de odihna cu doua fotolii tapitate cu stofa frantuzeasca si un semineu electric incastrat in perete. Aici oaspetii pot interactiona sau isi pot planui ziua inainte de a iesi in oras. In nisele perimetrale gasim portelanuri si ceramica decorate cu modele florale, ce intregesc atmosfera calda si primitoare a acestui spatiu. Din holul de primire de la etaj se deschid doua coridoare ce conduc spre camere, cate trei pentru fiecare aripa a cladirii. Prezenta restaurantului la parter ofera oaspetilor ocazia de a lua masa oricand in timpul zilei fara sa trebuiasca sa se deplaseze in alta parte a orasului. De asemenea, micul dejun este asigurat in cadrul aceluiasi restaurant. Pe perioada verii, restaurantul beneficiaza si de o terasa umbrita pentru cei care vor sa manance in aer liber.
About Your Property:
This new hotel, opened in late 2014, finds its roots in the our wish and determination to create a unique and cozy space that highlights the building’s own character, as well as the charm of the listed area where it is located. A key feature of the hotel is that each room offers a different atmosphere, as each is finished in different colors, with individual wallpaper and matching décor elements. Therefore, one can choose a room to match a specific taste or a particular occasion. The care for details led to many innovative solutions in our attempt to combine the historic elements with the requirements of modern-day comfort. The style is eclectic (characteristic to the period when the house was build) and it fuses elements from the European Romantic style with the warmth of the English Cottage style to create a uniquely cozy and relaxed atmosphere. Most of the walls are covered in Belgian wallpaper replicating classical early XX-Century patterns, the floors are covered in Dutch carpeting and the bathrooms are finished in Italian tiling. The furniture, as well as the wooden fittings and decorations are custom made for this project by local craftsmen. "Les Jardins Carol" is situated on the upper floor of a historic building (built in 1909) in the south-west area of Bucharest, on the Filaret Hill, an important historic neighborhood. The rooms’ floor is accessed from the restaurant below via a massive wooden staircase. Upstairs, a welcoming area with a couple of armchairs set in front of a fireplace is always available for the hotel guests. The two wings of the building (each hosting 3 chambers) opens from the welcoming area. The restaurant downstairs, with its international menu and longstanding tradition, provides an excellent opportunity for lunches, dinners or business meetings. The breakfast is also served in the restaurant, and, in the summertime, its shaded terrace proposes a welcome respite from the heat of the city.
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Hotel Options: 
Yes (optional)
Yes (free)
Yes (free)
Payment Options: 
Master Card
Internet Banking
Only cash
General facilities:
Air conditioning
Airport shuttle
Family rooms
Non-smoking rooms
Food & Drink:
Restaurant (à la carte)
Restaurant (buffet)
Grocery deliveries
Packed lunches
Special diet menus (on request)
Room service
Breakfast in the room
Shuttle service (surcharge)
Reception services:
Luggage storage
Cleaning services:
Daily maid service
Non-smoking throughout
Strada Fabrica de Chibrituri 2, București 040554, România

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