Conacul Ambient Cristian Brașov

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Descriere Proprietate:
Conacul Ambient. Live Vintage. Love Luxury
Vine o vreme cand parca simti o usoara adiere a trecutului mangaindu-ti uite asa, pe nesimtite, te trezesti in fata falnicelor porti ale conacului Ambient din Cristian, la 12 km de Brasov. Noua mosie are o mare virtute, dragi oaspeti, pentru ca aici si numai aici, De Mult-ul si Acum-ul s-au asternut la un taifas si isi talmacesc visurile chiar in jurul distinselor voastre prezente.
Cristian- Si casele vorbesc
Cristian este un taram al vesniciei. Aici, istoria si trainicia mestesugurilor sasesti este vie in fiecare minunatie de casa si fiecare coltisor de pamant, pastrandu-se frumusetea de odinioara pe care dragii nostri stramosi o pretuiau cu atata strasnicie. Conacul Ambient, noua mandrete a acestui tinut, este un loc in care zilele de odinioara parca sunt invesmantate in straie de duminica si nimic din ce iti pofteste inima nu lipseste.
Miresme imbelsugate
O mosie ca si Conacul Ambient trebuie sa isi intampine oamenii dupa datina stramoseasca cu ospitalitate si voie buna. Ce loc mai bun sa simtiti toate aceste decat sala mare de ospat? Indestulata pentru 50 de oameni , sala cea mare este rupta parca din povestile cu consanzene, neasemuit de dichisita cu catifele, scaune pictate, mese si bufete ca-n vremurile stravechi, orologii si potire de licori inmiresmate!
Tihna si Odihna
O dulce raza de soare poposeste stinghera pe divanul invesmantat cu urzeli delicate si dalbe broderii..apoi coboara lin pe dusumea si urca incetisor urmarind linii catifelate si ordonat de intortocheate ale vreunei masute de toaleta, noptiere sau sifonier. Timpul chiar pare sa se fi oprit si totusi aici si acum, in acest domnesc dormitor, te simti mai acasa decat oriunde. Si conacul are 8 astfel de minunate camere (duble), inca 2 camere si mai spatioase (executive), 2 studiouri si un apartament, care mai de care mai mandre la chip!
Tot aici, aproape de Conacul Ambient, salasluieste si “Aristocrata”, o casuta dichisita si luminoasa, unde te poti bucura de zile si nopti imparatesti si de unde poti ajunge, daca iti doresti, direct in inima Conacului.
Atunci, dar totusi acum
Chiar daca frumoasele coridoare vegheate de vapai portocalii rasuna de ecouri stravechi, aici simti fiecare pas... ca trecutul da mana prietenos cu prezentul si mai mult de atat, fac cea mai buna echipa! Dovezile sunt restaurantul traditional cu preparate grill si din bucataria locala, apoi numeroasele coltisoare amenajate pentru parcare, pentru copii, pentru sporturi (mini fotbal, baschet, hadbal, volei, badminton), pentru jocuri (snooker, billiard, tenis de masa) si nu in ultimul rand piscina incalzita cu sauna si Jacuzzi.
Si pentru ca imprejurimile Cristianului sunt printre nestematele Romaniei, te invitam in calatorii de o zi in zonele de interes turistic din apropiere(cetatea Rasnov, castelul Bran, bisericile fortificate din Prejmer, statiunea Poiana Brasov, etc). Vei deveni nu doar un client fidel al conacului ci si un adevarat promotor al istoriei noastre, pentru ca aici vei invata sa pretuiesti cu adevarat trecutul si sa te bucuri in acelasi timp de fiecare secunda din prezent. Bucuria ti-o poti manifesta dupa bunul tau plac si in locurile faimoase pentru distractie si adrenalina din zona, cum ar fi Parc Aventura, Paradisul Acvatic, Noua Gradina Zoologica, , Parcul dinozaurilor, zona de bungee jumping, sau te poti infrati cu natura intr-o calatorie cu ATV-ul, cu 4x4, pe jos, sau cu bicicleta.
Esti gata sa deschizi poarta trecutului si sa ne treci pragul? Atunci buna sa-ti fie inima, ca a noastra-i omenoasa si la noi simti ce inseamna cu adevarat acasa!
About Your Property:
Live Vintage. Love Luxury
A sudden feeling that the past and present have made acquaintance and are having a lovely chat around you? Well, it means you have finally reached your destination, the Ambient Mansion. This is a luxurious new property, situated in the old town of Cristian ( 9 km from Brasov ), a property that succeeds in creating a timeless love affair between the Past (with the old Saxon architectural elements) and the Present (with a complete five-star facility package).
Cristian - Where houses have souls
Cristian is a town where houses have souls...where you inhale and exhale history....where tranquillity gets a whole new meaning. The souls of the Saxon ancestors are wonderfully preserved here, as houses have kept the architectural particularities of the medieval ages, part of them having been refurbished, so that history should become more vivid. The Ambient Mansion recreates this history and, as it is a newly built property, creates a unique world where the soul of the present gets the looks of history, thus giving birth to a whole new dimension of comfort, the vintage luxury.
Dining with history
An exquisite property requires a welcoming entrance and the moment you step into this world, you will merely feel of enchanting colours, vintage scents and calm vibrations. The dining area, sitting up to 50 people predicts from the very beginning meaningful and inspired conversations, surrounded by rich textures of wooden vintage furniture, painted chairs and old-style decorations. Right here, right now, you will feel more important than ever before and every word you utter will feel like a piece of history engraved in the house walls.
Sleep well where you dwell
There is nothing more soothing than the gentle glimpse of daylight coming through the windows and pouring down on every ornament of every piece of antique furniture ... it’s like time has stopped sometime in the past, but somehow you’re here, now, present in a timeless delicious comfort. You’re welcome to be a part of this comfort in our 8 double / twin rooms, 2 executive rooms, 2 suites and one apartment, all of them equipped with five-star facilities. We are also offering an extra property, the Ambient House, with separate access and facilities, directly connected to the mansion, which we like calling “Aristocrata”, because of the classic yet very elegant and delicate interior design and colours.
What about the RIGHT NOW?
Nowadays, people admire the past but are in thorough need of modern comfort, this is why we are offering a five-star facility package that includes a traditional restaurant with local cuisine, private parking, heated indoor private swimming pool with jacuzzi and sauna, catering services and a sports field (mini football, basketball, handball, volley, badminton etc) as well as a designated area for games like table tennis, snooker and an outdoor children playground . We will be more than pleased to take you on photo tours and short trips to the main touristic attractions nearby (the fortress of Rasnov, the Bran ( Dracula ) Castle, fortified churches of Prejmer, Poiana Brasov ski resort, etc) which will turn you into authentic lovers of the past and promoters of our history, encouraging you to preserve it with more care. Activities are at your fingertips like Adventure Park, Aqua Paradise, ATV trips, 4X4 excursions ( light or extreme ), trekking, bungee jumping, mountain biking, and the newly developed Dinosaur Park .
Prepare for an enchanting voyage into the luxurious world of the past in our Ambient Mansion. We wish you a pleasant stay!
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Hotel Options:
Yes (included)
Yes (free)
Yes (free)
Payment Options:
American Express
Master Card
General facilities:
Air conditioning
Airport shuttle
Indoor pool
Family rooms
Non-smoking rooms
Tennis court
Table tennis
Horse riding
Ski storage
Food & Drink:
Restaurant (à la carte)
Grocery deliveries
Special diet menus (on request)
Room service
Breakfast in the room
Pool & Wellness:
Indoor pool (all year)
Jacuzzi/Hot tub
Car hire
Shuttle service (surcharge)
Reception services:
24-hour front desk
Tour desk
Luggage storage
Safety deposit box
Common areas:
Sun terrace
Shared lounge/TV area
Games room
Entertainment & Family services:
Children's playground
Babysitting/child services
Cleaning services:
Ironing service
Daily maid service
Business facilities:
Meeting/banquet facilities
Non-smoking throughout
Designated smoking area
Soundproof rooms
Strada Griviţei, Cristian, Brașov, România
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