Conacul Benke Moacșa

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E.g., 23 Feb 2025
E.g., 23 Feb 2025
Camera dublă / Double room
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Camera twin / Twin romm
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Descriere Proprietate:
Conacul Benke este o locatie care imbina confortul unui hotel de lux cu flexibilitatea caracteristica pensiunilor, oferind spatii comune si cazare in camere elegante, restaurante si locuri de luat masa exclusiviste pentru cine romantice sau de afaceri, sali de sedinte si conferinte pentru business, team buildinguri, evenimente corporate, lansari, o locatie ideala pentru relaxare si petrecere a timpului liber in zona de spa & wellness. Puteti sa va plimbati in mijlocul naturii, sa va plimbati cu bicicleta, sau sa va bucurati de plimbarile cu trasura sau sania, ce se pot organiza la cerere. Conacul Benke dispune de spatii comune si camere elegante, acestea fiind totodata una din cele mai exclusiviste spatii de cazare destinate turismului de inalta clasa din zona. Pensiunea este amenajata intr-o cladire construita in stil clasicist la inceputul secolului XIX, si o anexa a acesteia. Conacul Benke este o cladire protejata de Consiliul Judetean Covasna ridicat probabil in jurul cumpenei dintre secolele XIX. si XX., foarte probabil prin modificarea unei structuri existente anterior. Corpul initial al conacului, este construit dupa un plan dreptunghiular cu doua travee longitudinale. Fatada sudica es segmentata cu un pridvor cu timpan iesit in fata intrarii principale, a carei intrare consta dintr-o impunatoare scara de blocuri de piatra sculptata. Cornisa si ancadramentele ferestrelor fatadei principale simetrice sunt marcate cu ornamente din tencuiala bogat profilata – caracteristica locuintelor nobiliare secuiesti de la inceputul secolului trecut. Localitatea Moacsa este situata in zona centrala a județului, pe cursul vaii Padureni, la capatul sudic al Muntilor Bodoc, la o altitudine de 547 m, pe DN11, Brașov – Targu Secuiesc – Bacau.Situat in partea de sud-vest a comunei Moacsa (satul Eresteghin), langa drumul national DN11, in apropiere de Municipiul Brasov (cca. 30 km), langa Municipiul Sfantu Gheorghe (cca. 12 km), foarte aproape de Municipiul Tirgu Secuiesc si de orasul Covasna (cca. 21 km). Ultimul proprietar al conacului era Benke Laszlo, fiind deportat in Delta Dunarii in 1949, dupa care conacul a devenit sediul CAP, iar pe urma folosit ca adapost temporar pentru muncitori. Conacul este un monument istoric de interes local, fiind folosit neadecvat timp de sase decenii, lipsa totala de intretinere a cauzat degradarea cladirii. Clima localitatii este continental-moderata, cu veri relative bogate in precipitatii si ierni friguroase. In zona predomina curenti de aer temperat-oceanic dinspre vest (mai ales in sezonul cald) si de patrunderi frecvente de aer temperat-continental dinspre vest (mai ales in timpul iernii). Cele mai multe precipitatii cad in luna iunie, mai, luna februarie fiind cea mai saraca in precipitatii. Cladirile vechi, aflate in paragina, au fost achizitionate de SC GOLDIM SRL in noiembrie 2007 si februarie 2008 de la diversi proprietari si renovate cu destinatia de pensiune turistica in perioada 2008-2013.
About Your Property:
The Benke Mansion is a location that combines a comfort of a luxury hotel with the flexibility characteristic for guest-houses, offering common spaces and accommodation in elegant rooms, restaurants and exclusive places to serve a romantic dinner or of a business, conference and meeting rooms for business, team buildings, corporate events, presentation, an ideal location to relax and to enjoy free time in a spa & wellness area. You can take a walk in the middle of the nature, ride a bike or enjoy the carriage and sleigh ride, organized at request. The Benke Mansion disposes of common places and elegant rooms, being one of the most exclusive accommodation places for the high-class tourists from the area. The guest-house is arranged in a building and in its conveniences built in classic style at the beginning of the 19th century. The Benke Mansion is protected by the Covasa County Counsel, it was built probably between the 19th and 20th century, most likely through the alteration of a previously existent structure. The initial body of the mansion was built after a quadrangular plan with two longitudinal arches. The South facade is segmented with a colonnade standing out in front of the main entrance. The main entrance consists of a huge stair made of dressed stone. The cornice and the window-frames of the symmetric main facade are marked with ornaments based on rich bordered plaster – characteristic of the Székely noble houses from the beginning of the century. The locality Moacsa is situated in the central area of the county, along the Padureni Valley, on the souther part of the Bodoc Mountains, at 547 m height, on DN11 DN11, Brașov – Targu Secuiesc – Bacau. Located in the South-West side of Moacsa commune (Eresteghin village), near the highway DN11, not far from Brasov Municipality (about 30 km), near Sfantu Gheorghe Municipality (about 12 km), close to Tirgu Secuiesc Municipality and to Covasna town (cca. 21 km). The last owner of the mansion was Benke Laszlo, but he was deported to Delta Dunarii in 1949, after which the mansion become the head-quarters of the Farmers’ Agricultural Co-operative (CAP), later it was used as temporary shelter for workers. The area has a moderate continental climate, with relative high precipitation in summer and with cold winters. In the area are prevailing temperate oceanic currents from the West (most of all in the warm season) and frequent temperate oceanic currents from the West (most of all in winter). The most precipitation falls in June, May, the month February being the poorest in precipitations. The old buildings left on the waste land were bought by the company SC GOLDIM SRL in November 2007 and February 2008 from different owners and renovated with the destination of a guest-house in the period of 2008-2013.
Spoken Languages: 
Hotel Options: 
Yes (included)
Yes (free)
Yes (free)
Payment Options: 
Only cash
Master Card
General facilities:
Air conditioning
Fitness centre
Indoor pool
Non-smoking rooms
Tennis court
Table tennis
Food & Drink:
Restaurant (à la carte)
Room service
Pool & Wellness:
Indoor pool (all year)
Jacuzzi/Hot tub
Bicycle rental
Shuttle service (surcharge)
Common areas:
Sun terrace
Cleaning services:
Ironing service
Daily maid service
Business facilities:
Meeting/banquet facilities
Non-smoking throughout
Conacul Benke, Moacșa, Covasna, România

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