Despre NoiAbout Us
Pentru a oferi o experienta de neuitat, Website Tonight vine in intampinarea oaspetilor sai cu o propunere de eleganta si stil imbinand doua mari stiluri arhitecturale Victorian si Baroc. Elementele sunt armonios imbinate pentru a oferi confortul si placerea unui sejur relaxant la malul Marii Negre. Amplasamentul ingenios ales ofera tuturor oaspetilor camere cu vedere la mare si acces spre plaja privata special amenajata pentru a se bucura de un rasarit de soare la adapostul umbrelei de paie.
In order to offer an unforgettable experience, Website Tonight comes out to meet its guests with a proposal of elegance and style combining two great architectural styles, Victorian and Baroque. Elements are harmoniously combined in order to offer the comfort and pleasure of a relaxing stay on the shore of the Black Sea. The ingenious location offers all guests rooms with a view to the sea and access to the private beach specially arranged in order to enjoy a sunrise under a straw umbrella.